Change Domain/Hostname to IP

Understanding Host to IP Conversion: A Beginner's Guide

When browsing the internet or using any network-related services, the domain name system (DNS) is responsible for translating human-readable domain names, such as, into machine-readable IP addresses, such as This process is known as host to IP conversion, and it plays a crucial role in how the internet works.

What is Host to IP Conversion?

Host to IP conversion is the process of converting a domain name to its corresponding IP address. Every device on the internet, whether it's a server, a computer, or a smartphone, has a unique IP address. When you type a domain name into your web browser, your computer sends a request to a DNS server to resolve the domain name to its corresponding IP address. The DNS server then responds with the IP address, allowing your computer to connect to the desired website or service.

How Host to IP Conversion Works

The process of host to IP conversion involves multiple steps:

  1. The user types a domain name into their web browser, such as
  2. The computer sends a request to the local DNS resolver to resolve the domain name to an IP address.
  3. If the local resolver has the IP address cached, it returns the result to the computer. Otherwise, it sends a request to one of the root DNS servers.
  4. The root DNS server responds with a referral to the top-level domain (TLD) server responsible for the .com TLD.
  5. The TLD server responds with a referral to the authoritative DNS server responsible for the domain.
  6. The authoritative DNS server responds with the IP address for the subdomain.
  7. The local resolver caches the result and returns it to the computer, allowing it to connect to the desired website.

Host to IP conversion can take anywhere from a few milliseconds to several seconds, depending on the speed and location of the DNS server, the caching status of the local resolver, and other factors. To speed up the process, many devices and applications use caching, which stores the results of previous DNS queries for a certain period of time.

Why Host to IP Conversion is Important

Host to IP conversion is essential for the proper functioning of the internet. Without it, users would have to remember and manually enter long strings of IP addresses to access websites and services. By using domain names, the internet becomes more accessible, user-friendly, and scalable.

In addition, host to IP conversion plays a crucial role in network security. Attackers may use DNS spoofing or other methods to redirect users to malicious websites or steal their sensitive information. By using secure and trusted DNS servers and implementing proper DNS security protocols, users can protect themselves from such attacks.


Host to IP conversion is a fundamental process in how the internet works. By understanding how it works and why it's important, users can better navigate the web and stay safe from potential security threats.